A Leopards Tail

Life in the urban jungle...

Warhammer Castle

Home made Warhammer Castle


My Bretonnians are knights, and every knight needs a castle. GW do sell one, but its expensive and frankly I don't like the look of it.

So out comes the 5mm foam card, loo roll tubes, paper and glue, so for the total outlay of under a tenner (or will be one fully assembled, its about half that currently) I set about making one.

Some of my WiP Bretonnians for scale, its not small but hopefully also small enough to be actually usable.

The basic design is the white city of Gondor as described in the GW Lord of the Rings book for 'Return of the King' from the days when GW told you how to make terrain as opposed to how to buy it..

A few changes naturally, the battlements are more conventional and the front of the towers and butresses are rounded (Loo rolls) which removes some of the LotR feel and brings it back to Europe for my Knights.

Plenty still to do, the gateway needs a gate or even a goblin will manage to get into this one, and the smaller doorways need doors.

Only two walls, one with the gateway are currently more or less finish, the other two walls are in a much more basic state currently, and only one of the four towers is built. There is a definite draft here.

The size, while not massive, is 'big enough' with 100mm high walls looking suitably impressive next to the models, this will dominate the gaming table while still being small enough to fit.

speaking of goblins, my better half is planning some and pinched a passing innocent goblin to have a play.. problem is given painted models are superior to unpainted this little sod has single-handedly managed to capture the castle..

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2013-01-13Warhammer Castle Home made Warhammer Castle