A Leopards Tail

Life in the urban jungle...

Project 365 - Prep Work

Calm before the storm


The intention, as started before, is to paint on average one model a day, so how will this actually work in practice? what counts?

My normal method of painting is to work in batches, so some of the more tedious bits can be shunted out of the way in chunks.

As a result of this I have stuff sitting partly painted, well primed, well primed with the bases gritted. These models naturally have already been started, the horror.

Plan is to count anything that's had a brush or spray can taken to it during 2012 as 'half' a model. So the following will only count as half, but will be the first models to complete.

There are also a number of other models that will be finished over the year, again counting as half.. There being less of a rush on these.

Scary just how much half finished stuff I have, part of this project is to avoid this, finish the half done stuff then get a bit of order to this chaos...

There are some others needing a few details, such as static grass etc, these are just being done, they won't be counted under this total..

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